Youtube Jonathan Cahn Our Doctor Which Art in Heaven

Casualties Worse than WWI & WWII Combined – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter's

Renowned geopolitical and financial bicycle proficient Charles Nenner says his assay shows the world is entering into a huge war bike that could last for many years. Nenner says, "The war bike is such that at that place is bang-up danger for a huge war. . . . What I have been writing about is the big danger that Russia, Iran and China volition get together.  Red china is watching how we deal with Ukraine before they start with Taiwan.  I recall that is the large i. . . . The W is in disarray, and it does not have a line on where to go or what to exercise. . . .  This state of war cycle is going to exist bad, and I'll tell you lot why.  We do price targets on markets and war cycles, and if you await at the price targets, information technology tells me that the casualties are going to exist much higher than in the First and Second Globe State of war.  And then, information technology's not going to be a joke."

Nenner says his cycles are telling him the casualties in the next war could top 175 million.  Nenner also sees that world leaders are not taking this seriously and points out, "What'southward going on in this state (America), what are they decorated with and what is it compared to a nuclear war? —Nothing.  Even Biden's decisions now are based on public relations.  If the United States were independent with oil, like information technology was earlier with the pipeline and like Trump pushed, we would not be in this state of affairs that oil could become up another $50 per butt.  Information technology looks like now oil can go to $150 per barrel, and it can even get to $250 per barrel."

War abroad is not the simply thing to expect out for.  Nenner says, "I think there is going to be a lot of civil unrest.  When Rome was burning, and we are talking near 2,000 years ago, the Senators were discussing if angels were male or female person.  This is while Rome was burning.  This world is called-for, and we are discussing now what kind of a sign you have to put on a public restroom.  Information technology'south the aforementioned situation.  Nobody takes the lead in the big situations. . . .The wheel for civil unrest has just turned up, and information technology's going to get much worse.  You can imagine if Biden loses to Trump (in 2024), what is going to happen over here?  I have never seen people and so much on the edge. . . . Expect at what going on with masks.  People are prepare to kill yous because you disagree on what you think about masks."

Nenner thinks the stock market tin can become downward in the next leg to "15,000 on the DOW."  Afterwards that, in that location would be more downside pain in stocks to follow over the next few years.  Nenner is still forecasting the Dow to lesser out around five,000.  Nenner thinks the U.S. dollar cycle is headed down, while interest rates are headed upwardly.  Meanwhile, Nenner predicts the bond market volition tank, but information technology's getting a little bounce at the moment.

Nenner sees aggrandizement sticking effectually for some time to come and gold going up in a long-term cycle starting in hostage mid-April.

(There is much more in the xxx-minute interview.)

Bring together Greg Hunter of equally he goes One-on-1 with renowned bike analyst and financial expert Charles Nenner. (3.1.22)

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Afterward the Interview:

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Y'all tin also sign up to be a subscriber for Nenner's cutting edge cycle work with a costless trial menstruation by clicking here.  If you mention, Nenner says you can get a month complimentary trial.  (USAW does non share in Nenner's acquirement in any mode.  We exercise this equally a courtesy.)

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