first day as a nurse what to bring

Nurse performing physical therapy on female patient

Few careers are equally personally rewarding as nursing. Professional respect, flexible job opportunities, advocacy potential and the chance to make a difference in people'due south lives are but some of what information technology offers. It's important for students to recognize that like whatever field, healthcare has its share of challenges. The work is exceptionally gratifying, simply it tin also be enervating. To be both successful and happy in nursing, it helps to have certain personal characteristics and attributes. Hither'due south a closer look at the qualities that make a good nurse.

Quality #1: Empathy

Empathy is the power to experience what another person is experiencing from their point of view. For nurses, it means putting themselves in their patients' shoes and trying to sympathise how they perceive what's going on around them. A patient who rings for assistance, and then watches helplessly from their infirmary bed as nurses repeatedly walk by the door doesn't encounter the dozens of others the nurse is trying to assist. They but see people who don't seem to care near their needs.

But if a nurse stops momentarily to assure the patient assistance is on the manner, it changes their entire healthcare experience and builds invaluable trust. Nurses work with vulnerable people from diverse backgrounds. If nurses are going to predict their patient's needs accurately and understand their emotional responses to intendance, a strong sense of empathy is critical.

Not everyone is born with a robust capacity to be empathetic toward others, simply almost people lack empathy only because they don't know the full range of circumstances others may accept experienced in life and how information technology affected them. It's something nurse educators have understood since the days of Florence Nightingale, and with the knowledge and training a nursing programme provides, it's a learnable skill.

Quality #2: Emotional Stability

A nurse'south job is mentally demanding. Each day can bring a range of powerful emotions including joy, surprise, sadness and frustration. Tough situations are all in a day's work for a nurse, but to finer manage the needs of colleagues, patients and their family unit members, remaining calm when faced with upsetting experiences is essential.

Does that mean nurses shouldn't be bothered past difficult and even devastating circumstances? No, emotional stability should never be confused with a lack of emotions or empathy. Information technology only means that for nurses to give people the care and psychological support they need, they must be able to control their responses to focus on the tasks at hand. Research shows that emotionally stable nurses are better able to concentrate, solve problems and keep their patients prophylactic.

Like empathy, emotional stability is a skill that can be learned, but it takes time, and nurses need to be patient with themselves. Diffusing intense reactions by reframing expectations, balancing perspectives and remaining mindful are amidst the many effective approaches that can help.

Quality #3: Communication Skills

Summit-notch communication skills are among the most important qualities for nurses. As a liaison between patients, doctors and family members, nurses never stop collecting and relaying critical data. If someone drops the ball, the consequences tin can be devastating. Errors transcribing medication orders, missing information on infirmary discharge paperwork and life-threatening allergies non listed in a patient's chart are common medical mistakes attributed to lack of communication. Under the correct circumstances, these types of errors tin can crusade significant impairment. To communicate clearly, nurses need to be comfortable reading, writing and presenting information to others verbally.

Communication is besides a therapeutic tool healthcare providers use to build interpersonal relationships with their clients. Through proven verbal and not-verbal techniques, therapeutic advice helps nurses make patients feel more than relaxed and willing to share their concerns. When dialogue flows freely in a professional relationship, healthcare providers are better able to do their job and outcomes ameliorate for patients.

Lack of information about an disease, for case, can exist a major source of fear and feet for patients. They may put off making hard decisions or opt to decline intendance entirely rather than risk embarrassment by asking questions they believe volition make them seem uninformed or unintelligent. Past proactively sharing data instead of waiting to be asked, nurses requite patients an opening to talk about what's bothering them, helping them feel more than comfortable and establishing a sense of trust.

From breaking downwardly the barriers that block effective communication between colleagues to using therapeutic techniques to heighten dialogue with patients and family unit members, communication is the skill nurses use every twenty-four hours.

Quality #4: A Want to Learn

Nursing requires a professional license because taking intendance of others safely when lives are at pale demands proven clinical skills. When students graduate from vocational school, it'south non expected that they know everything.  Simply that they can make audio decisions in complex circumstances based on show and best practice guidelines.

Healthcare is constantly evolving, and while nursing programs teach all the necessary clinical skills, most graduates volition need practice and standing educational activity to reach full competency, particularly in specialty fields such every bit critical care, emergency medicine and infusion therapy.

With this in listen, employers requite new graduates enough of supervised opportunities to learn from experienced nurses or through preceptorships and mentoring programs. As professionals, nurses are e'er responsible for cocky-evaluating their expertise and non taking on tasks that exceed their abilities without support or additional training. A healthcare provider'due south oath is first and foremost to exercise no harm.

To be the kind of nurse someone would desire to treat an sick or injured loved i requires a commitment to lifelong learning and motivation to stay on meridian of developments in the field. Nurses are expected to grow professionally through ongoing grooming opportunities and in about states, it's required for license renewal. Graduating from a vocational school is a noteworthy achievement, simply it's just the beginning.

Quality #5: Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate facts and come to rational conclusions considerately. Information technology's a disciplined, self-directed style of looking at things that allows nurses to translate information, prioritize patient needs and troubleshoot difficult clinical issues speedily and accurately. During triage, for instance, it's how a nurse uses normal diagnostic results to determine that a patient having breast pain tin wait considering they are likely having indigestion, not a heart attack.

The ability to call back critically is an of import quality because while nurses most often role equally part of a healthcare team, their practice is autonomous, and their professional decisions are their sole responsibility. Nurses may be able to dress wounds in seconds, place urinary catheters without faltering or kickoff an intravenous line with a blindfold on, but without the ability to recollect on their feet, high-pressure situations will exist stressful.

Although not all healthcare settings are as extraordinarily fast-paced as a busy emergency room, making decisions isn't something nurses can avert. The good news is that while critical thinking comes naturally to some people, it's also a skill that can be learned and nurtured in school and beyond.

Quality #half dozen: Open-Mindedness

Nurse see patients from every walk of life. Some take had vastly different experiences that affect their thinking and behavior, while others may have unconventional opinions nigh healthcare that tin be difficult for nurses to accept.

A patient who declines a blood transfusion because of their religious beliefs, a parent who won't vaccinate a child considering of safety concerns and a terminally-sick client who chooses to forgo life-sustaining treatment all present unique and emotional challenges. For nurses, the principle of autonomy, a patient's right to make their own healthcare decisions without undue influence, ever takes priority, regardless of the choices they brand.

Today's nurses are also required to exist culturally competent. Cultural competence is defined as the ability to intendance for patients with different languages, community and beliefs. Working with interpreters, assigning religiously sensitive patient's providers of their preferred gender and respecting the demand for modesty during physical examinations are some of the way's nurses are called upon to help.

Few people enter the nursing field without the desire to assist others achieve ameliorate health, only within the boundaries of a professional and therapeutic relationship, only by being open-minded can nurses provide constructive, culturally competent and patient-centered intendance.

Quality #vii: Versatility

No student wants to hear that a job in healthcare may require working weekends, holidays and overtime, oftentimes without detect. Piece of work-life remainder is increasingly important to people, and it'due south essential to managing stress, only the truth is that in facilities that provide around-the-clock intendance, emergencies happen.

The key to personal and professional person satisfaction is for nurses to choose where they work based on what best fits their lifestyle. For example, a position in a hospital emergency room or on a labor and commitment floor volition be exciting, only more likely to require extra hours when things get busy. Jobs in physicians' offices, day camps, schools, or specialty clinics even so offer variety and although they may be a little less glamorous, they usually come up with Monday through Friday schedules and holidays are rarely required.

Flexibility is one of the best parts well-nigh what a nursing career has to offer. 24-hour interval, night or evening hours, curt or long shifts, and interesting opportunities in a wide range of settings are the norm. Being a nurse is one of the few occupations that can meet the needs of workers of all ages through the many different stages of their lives, and for a versatile nurse, the opportunities are boundless.

Quality #8: Respectfulness

Respectfulness may not be 1 of the top qualities that come to mind when considering what makes a good nurse, but information technology's crucial and for more than the obvious reasons.

Of grade, being respectful to patients is a professional person courtesy that must be extended to all, regardless of their attitude or behavior. The world is full of dissimilar and sometimes challenging personalities, and one time people enter the healthcare system, even the kindest souls go exceptionally vulnerable. They're asked to put their well-being in the hands of providers they may not know, and the lack of a personal relationship can pb them to lash out based on nothing more than than fear. For nurses, respect is the purlieus that defines a therapeutic relationship and makes it possible to have care of every patient.

Respect for the rules inside the healthcare industry, however, is besides important. Every bit a field, medicine is notoriously dull to modify. That's because it'due south evidence-based, and the processes required to ensure changes are made for the correct reasons take fourth dimension. Reimbursement for medical services is besides inexorably tied to regulations set up forth by insurers and authorities agencies, and the failure to follow them can mean the loss of revenue, financial penalties or worse, closed doors.

Healthcare is a highly regulated industry, and rules are created to improve outcomes and patient safety, but they also increment workload and can fifty-fifty seem senseless sometimes, especially if they're outdated. That tin can be tough for nurses who are impatient to see improvements they know volition brand their work easier and better the lives of their patients Over time, this can create a gap between nurses, administrators and policymakers that leads to professional discontent. For those with a rules-were-made-to-be-broken personality, a career in healthcare could feel restricting.

Students looking for a lifetime career in nursing need to caryatid themselves, recognize the importance of rules in medicine and be prepared to piece of work within them, not around them.

Quality #9: Flexibility

For nurses, in that location's no such thing as an average mean solar day. The excitement of learning new skills and consistently doing different things is part of the appeal of nursing as a career, but it also makes flexibility one of the pinnacle qualities every practiced nurse needs.

Nurses wear many hats on even an boilerplate day, but when challenges emerge, it requires the ability to adapt. A tranquility day planned to intendance for neonates can suddenly go high-intensity when four women simultaneously arrive in labor.

Flexibility is also a characteristic that helps nurses suit to changes in healthcare in full general. For example, before awareness of blood-borne pathogen risks grew, using gloves regularly when working with bodily fluids was uncommon, merely within just a few years, it became nearly mandatory. Today, technological advances are causing the landscape of medicine to shift constantly every bit innovations are introduced at breakneck speed. Existence flexible helps nurses adapt to these types of changes with less stress.

Quality #10: Physical Stamina

Existence a nurse requires the ability to bend, plow, twist, lift and stand regularly, sometimes for long periods. Healthcare facilities provide grooming and equipment to make these tasks less strenuous, and while that reduces plush staff injuries and improves patient prophylactic, it doesn't alleviate many of the physical demands of being on a busy orthopedic floor for 12 hours a twenty-four hour period.

In that location are roles for nurses that crave less strenuous physical activity than others including working in doctor's offices or administrative positions, but to be successful and able to respond effectively to emergencies in fast-paced settings, information technology helps to accept stamina.

Nursing skills are valuable regardless of physical power, and non all nurses are track stars, but it helps to exist in shape and own a few great pairs of comfortable shoes.

Quality #11: Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a person's ability to express their thoughts and feelings and insist they be respected. It'due south an honest, forthright way of communicating that allows an individual to stand up upwardly for his or her needs without being aggressive or impinging on the rights of others.

Aggressiveness and assertiveness are oftentimes confused. The cardinal divergence between the two is that assertiveness is based on mutual respect and seeks solutions that are fair, whereas aggressiveness is manipulative behavior that wants a win at the expense of others.

Passive individuals have issues communicating their needs to others. They tend to avert disagreements and go along with the oversupply, but over time, that can lead to anger, resentment and personal frustration. Assertive people empathise that disharmonize can exist both respectful and constructive when approached in the spirit of finding mutually equitable solutions.

As patient advocates, existence assertive is something nurses must non just do for themselves, but also on behalf of patients. That can occasionally put nurses at odds with both colleagues and the people they serve. A nurse who suspects a child is being abused, for instance, is a mandatory reporter, but bringing the situation to the attention of regime volition likely crusade disharmonize between the nurse and the child's parents. Similarly, reporting an mistake or unethical behavior on the part of a colleague tin create stress in the work environment, simply as a professional person, it'south a nurse'south duty.

Existence assertive can feel uncomfortable, but it has tangible benefits. It boosts self-esteem and earns the respect of others. Teams in which members are gratuitous to discuss their thoughts honestly feel more relaxed, experience less stress and piece of work together more cooperatively, improving both interpersonal relationships and ultimately, patient care.

Can a nurse learn to go more than believing? Absolutely! Like other therapeutic communication techniques, information technology takes practice, but anyone willing to alter their communication style can learn to limited themselves more finer and with confidence.

Quality #12: Discretion

In 1996, Congress passed a bill designed to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal healthcare information. The Wellness Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, too known as HIPPA, strictly governs who has the correct to an individual's medical information and how it can exist used.

Today, medical information may only be exchanged between healthcare providers when necessary and with consent. For nurses, this means they can't discuss a patient'south personal information with colleagues who are not involved in the case and certainly not with family and friends. Gone are the days when charts were hung at the pes of a patient's bed. Nurses are expected to have the utmost discretion when information technology comes to handling medical data.

Quality #13: Reliability

Reliability means consistently doing what's expected and doing it well. It'due south a unproblematic thought, just it'due south easier said than washed for nurses struggling to balance the needs of patients, employers, coworkers and those to whom they are accountable outside of work.

In a decorated healthcare setting, when one team member drops the ball, another has to option it upwardly. Tasks are rarely discretionary and tin can't be put off until afterward. A nurse getting fix to go out for the day to meet with their child'due south instructor may have to postpone if a patient emergency arises, and date-nighttime with a spouse may occasionally exist spent working a double-shift considering someone called out sick.

Thankfully, while reliability is a professional must, work-life balance is possible to achieve with strategies like taking positions with hours that make meeting other commitments easier and utilizing vacation and other paid time off efficiently. Most employers in the healthcare field know their staff makes sacrifices to go on things running smoothly, and they endeavour to offer as much flexibility equally possible.

Quality #14 Organizational Skills

Being organized is amidst the most vital qualities for nurses, and it encompasses several fundamental skills including neatness, the ability to prioritize and delegate, and the expertise to manage time effectively.


The average worker spends almost a third of their day looking for information. Of that, almost an 60 minutes is lost due to disorganized work stations. Considering most nurses work in technologically advanced facilities, computerization has taken some of the work out of keeping a desk-bound neat, but there's nonetheless enough of newspaper to become around. In a decorated healthcare environment, nurses don't have an hour a day to waste matter chasing missing documentation and misplacing paperwork could mean information technology lands in the hands of someone who shouldn't accept it, then neatness counts.

The Ability to Prioritize

Everything in healthcare is subject area to prioritization, but considering issues in a medical setting are continually evolving, nurses demand to prioritize tasks at the start of their shift and re-prioritize them throughout the day equally things change. Information technology's a rare day that ends with a to-do listing that looks the same as when it started.

Triage, the process of prioritizing how and when patients receive intendance based on the severity of their condition, is an of import concept in medicine, and it's perhaps a nurse's near vital role. Healthcare is a resource. It's not possible for providers to be in more than than one identify at a time, so when multiple patients have needs, it takes cognition and skill to prioritize them safely.

The Ability to Delegate

Delegation is a tough skill for some nurses to chief. Beingness responsible for how someone else performs a chore on your behalf is a significant responsibility. It's tempting to try to practise everything alone, but more gets done when nurses are willing to trust assistants and other trained staff members to assume duties that don't require professional nursing attention. It frees them up to use their expertise where information technology's needed nearly and makes patient care more efficient.

Time Management Skills

Everything in healthcare is fourth dimension-sensitive. Giving medications, for example, is a big part of nearly nurses' responsibilities and regulations strictly govern administration times. Doses given early or belatedly can delay procedures and significantly impact outcomes. Patients demand to be fed, washed and taken to the bathroom on fourth dimension while any moment, an emergency could arise.

Nurse make it all work by planning, prioritizing, delegating and making the well-nigh of every minute. It's a tall order, but treatment time wisely keeps a busy 24-hour interval from condign overwhelming and helps reduce stress.

The proficient matter nearly organizational skills in general is that while they're second nature for some people, they can be also be learned. Being organized is less of an innate ability than it is practicing skillful habits and using the correct tools.

Computers in healthcare facilities, for example, use software that organizes task lists, sets upwardly reminder systems and reorganize priorities as they change. Nigh are even customizable to match a nurse's preferences, and they eliminate laborious handwritten checklists.

Quality #fifteen: Compassion

Compassion begins every bit empathy, simply information technology's more than an understanding of someone's suffering, it's the willingness to do something well-nigh it. As the cornerstone of nursing, compassion makes all the difference in the lives of people in need.

How do patients draw compassionate nurses? Words like kind, gentle and caring top the listing, but nearly equate pity with doing the picayune things they don't expect a nurse to do as part of providing medical intendance. For nursing students, it's what teachers refer to equally the need to holistically accost the unique physical, emotional and social needs of each person every bit an individual, non equally a drove of symptoms.

What does pity await like? For a woman upset that she's too weak to comb her pilus earlier visitors arrive, information technology's taking the fourth dimension to do information technology for her. For parents who've lost a newborn, information technology's giving them time to grieve at their own pace. Pity means different things to everyone, and for nurses, the mission is to detect what those things are and human activity on them.

Quality #16: Ethics

A strong sense of right and wrong helps nurses work through challenges and gives them a moral compass with which to consistently make decisions that are in a patient's best interests, especially when the correct thing to exercise isn't obvious.

From advocating for a patient's wishes to telling them the truth virtually their condition, even when it'south something they're uncomfortable hearing, situations occur every twenty-four hour period in a nurse's life that require ethical behavior, and it'due south the very foundation upon which trusting therapeutic relationships are congenital.

Quality #17: Self-Care Power

Nursing is a profession dedicated to caring for others, and it tin be physically, emotionally and mentally demanding. Long shifts, decorated days and coping with affliction and expiry are stressful. Nurses are expected to run across a wide range of patient needs while remaining focused and attentive, and that emphasis on coming together the needs of others commencement often puts the nurse's needs in the backseat.

While there is increasing awareness on the office of employers and nurse educators that cocky-care is critical to a healthy workforce, to avoid burnout, it'southward upwardly to nurses to take the pb and follow the aforementioned advice they give to their patients to take care of oneself.

The best way to reduce job-related stress is to set clear professional person boundaries, work in areas of the field that allow a reasonable work-life residue and take reward of well-deserved time off without feeling guilty. This is non only proficient counsel for nurses, it's better for patient care. Nurses skid up when they're tired. Medication errors and incidents involving client and staff safety are amidst the pinnacle mistakes attributed to nurse fatigue.

The willingness to care for one's body, mind and spirit and the self-esteem necessary to empathise that meeting their own needs helps them meliorate care for others is the one prescription today'due south nurses tin can't work without.

This listing of qualities that proficient nurses tend to share is long, only information technology shouldn't be intimidating. Prospective nursing students should exist thoughtful and accept the commitment to a career in healthcare seriously. While introspection is always a good first step, information technology's also of import to recognize that while being built-in with certain personal characteristics can make some things in life a little easier, or a chip more challenging, the qualities that make a good nurse tin exist learned, nurtured and grown. A vocational school is the perfect place to start.

Did learning about the qualities of a expert nurse interest y'all? If you're interested in pursuing a nursing degree, we have the degree plan for you. Daymar Higher's Acquaintance of Science caste in Nursing is designed to provide the foundation for beginning the practise of professional nursing.

The curriculum of nursing educational activity courses, equally well every bit general didactics classes, can railroad train you to provide patients with care that's prophylactic, effective, patient-centered, timely and efficient. You'll have the opportunity to larn the skill sets that correspond with the level of do, types of patients served and practice settings at Daymar Higher. You'll be introduced to the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics. Nurses who adhere to this code of ethics demonstrate competence, continuing self-improvement and personal cocky-care (health).

 For more information, contact us today!


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